Coughing is a reflex mechanism designed to clear the throat of unwanted irritants.
But there are also coughing that last for days or weeks which can cause damage to the lungs. A persistent cough lasting more than two months is now called a chronic cough.
Common cough
The most common cough is usually caused by a cold, flu or a respiratory tract infection caused by viruses. At this point antibiotic will be recommended.
However God blessed us with a large variety of medicinal plants which have amazing properties and can cure a nasty cough.
Medicinal Plants
For example Mallow, a native of Easten Europe and northern Africa.
Mallow, Medicinal properties:
Mallow has demulcent and emollient properties and it is used to treat inflammations.
Home made remedy
How to use: the root boiled in water, gives out a gummy matter, like starch. It is very good to make coughing syrups. It relieves chest pain, coughing, bronchitis and whooping cough.
Cami Onolfo
Healer and Herbalist